DIY MUSHROOM BROTH RECIPE FOR DOGS AND CATS August 27, 2024Larry Pruden Mushroom Broth for Dogs and Cats is an incredible way to support the immune system of our animals. In this blog, we share a super easy DIY recipe you can easily...
ENHANCE YOUR DOGS LONGEVITY WITH TAKEAWAYS FROM DR. BECKER & RODNEY HABIB AT THE HEALTHY DOG EXPO May 23, 2024Phyllice Pruden Pet health tips that will surprise you from The Healthy Dog Expo with Dr. Karen Becker and Rodney Habib, authors of The Forever Dog Book! These two ingredients are a MUST-HAVE!
BENEFITS OF TURKEY TAIL MUSHROOM SUPPLEMENTS FOR YOUR PET May 20, 2024Larry Pruden Turkey Tail Mushrooms are a must-have if you are looking to help prevent and fight cancer! Read this blog post to find out how to choose the best Turkey Tail...